HSE publishes latest workplace health and safety statistics

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published it’s latest workplace health and safety statistics.  The annual statistics reveal the number of workers affected by work-related ill-health and workplace injuries in Great Britain from 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2024. Britain’s health and safety watchdog has revealed that the number of workers who...

HSE statistics reveal 2 million cases of work-related ill-health

Annual work-related ill-health and workplace injury statistics published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) this week show that almost 2 million British workers are suffering from work-related illnesses. The HSE’s annual statistics for 2022-23 also reveal that around half of reported cases of work-related ill-health are still due to mental health problems. The...

HSE campaign tackles work-related stress

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has launched its Working Minds campaign to help employers and workers prevent work-related stress. Britain’s health and safety watchdog is working with a number of partners, including IOSH, ACAS and Mind, to bring together a range of tools and support to help people tackle work-related stress and promote...

More than half of lost working days due to mental ill health, HSE says

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released its annual workplace injuries and ill-health statistics for Great Britain. The statistics, compiled from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and additional sources, revealed that more than half of the working days that were lost as a result of work-related ill-health in 2019-20 were due to mental...