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First Aid Courses

One of our specialties, we offer First Aid training at various levels to suit a wide range of learners.

At First Response Training, we are especially passionate about delivering superb First Aid training throughout the UK. Current ambulance waiting times are over 9 minutes for life-threatening emergencies; we all become safer as more members of the public become first aiders. Our First Aid courses cover a range of topics and are available as introductory courses for beginners or advanced courses for those with existing First Aid training.

With over 100 trainers in England, Scotland and Wales, we can provide in-person, practical First Aid training at your location of choice. All of our trainers are highly qualified and experienced. Many volunteer in their spare time as emergency responders, which keeps their skills sharp. Once you have chosen your courses, your account manager will be in touch and take care of all the logistics such as venues and equipment.

Delivery Methods

We have First Aid eLearning, classroom training and webinars available. Most of the courses below include some form of practical assessment, and so must take place face-to-face. However, webinar versions of these courses may be available if necessary. Both classroom and webinar courses are led by a qualified instructor. Our eLearning course can be completed in the learner's own time.

First Aid Courses

First Aid at Work

Emergency First Aid at Work

Paediatric First Aid

Immediate Life Support

Basic Life Support

First Aid Awareness

Special Focus

For School Pupils


CPD Points Available

We offer CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points for successful learners. Those who complete our First Aid training courses will receive a set number of CPD points, according to the number of hours taken to complete the course. These points help learners meet targets in the workplace. Please get in touch for more details.

Course Mapping

First Response Training is accredited by Advantage Accreditation. Our curriculum team are responsible for keeping the course content up-to-date and engaging learners. Courses are designed to follow guidance from various national bodies. These include the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Resuscitation Council UK, St John Ambulance, the National Health Service (NHS), the British Heart Foundation and others. For all First Response Training First Aid courses, learners must complete an assessment before they receive their certificates. This ensures the learner has understood the material and can carry out effective First Aid if necessary.