The latest campaign from Skills for Care is focused on boosting digital confidence across the adult social care workforce.
Running throughout November and December, the ‘Building digital confidence’ campaign aims to help people working in the adult social care sector to understand how enhanced digital skills can support the delivery of higher quality care.
Digital skills key to workforce strategy for care
The workforce development charity launched its Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care this summer, which included a number of digital skills objectives. The strategy focuses on ensuring the sector has enough of the right people with the right skills to provide the best possible care for people accessing services, and this includes digital skills.
The campaign aims to make digital “less daunting” for care workers and highlights the benefits of using digital technology in social care.
Skills for Care says these include better quality of life for the people receiving care and support, and more efficient care services. Other key benefits include:
- Better communication
- Efficient care planning
- Remote monitoring
- Training and development
- Record keeping and compliance
- Increased autonomy for people drawing on care and support
Get involved in building digital confidence
The ‘Building digital confidence’ campaign will run across Skills for Care’s website, social media and other communication channels and will feature blog posts and real-life insights from digital technology experts and social care organisations who have already successfully adopted digital ways of working.
Addressing the adult social care workforce, Skills for Care’s Director of Workforce Strategy, Jane Brightman, says:
“We hope this campaign boosts your digital confidence, whether it’s through learning new skills, mentoring others, exploring a new piece of technology, or experimenting with artificial intelligence.
“Remember, you don’t need to be an expert to take advantage of digital opportunities – and don’t worry, you won’t break anything by pressing the wrong button!”
Join in the discussion on social media using the hashtag #BuildingDigitalConfidence.
Find out about Skills for Care’s Digital Skills Framework online.
Digitising learning and development in care
First Response Training (FRT) is a leading, national training provider.
They deliver over 7,000 courses each year in the fields of health and safety, first aid, fire safety, food safety, mental health, health and social care and other special focus topics.
Their diverse portfolio includes training awards designed for care workers, such as Infection Control and Prevention, Safeguarding Adults, Duty of Care, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Person Centred Care and Support and many others.
Their course portfolio spans Care Certificate standards, mandatory training awards, clinical skills, special focus courses and higher level training for supervisors and managers.
They also offer digital training solutions, including an expansive and ever-developing portfolio of high quality, interactive eLearning courses and live online webinars, led by highly experienced trainers. They can support social care organisations to adopt and embrace flexible digital learning solutions that will benefit their workers and the people they support.
A Trainer at FRT, says:
“Building digital confidence is a much-needed campaign that will hopefully support all those working in the social care sector to feel happy, confident and competent when using digital technology and excited to introduce new digital ways of working into their organisations to help improve services and outcomes for the people they support.”
For more information on the training provided by FRT, please call them on freephone 0800 310 2300 or send an e-mail to