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Mental Health Courses

Our mental health courses are available in a range of delivery methods, including classroom training, webinars and eLearning.

Self-Harm Awareness Level 2

Self-Harm Awareness Level 2 is a training course designed to provide learners with a basic understanding of self-harm, including its causes, common signs and symptoms, and how to support individuals who self-harm. The course aims to increase awareness and reduce stigma around self-harm, and equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to support those who may be at risk.

The training typically lasts for 3 hours and is delivered in a classroom setting. Successful candidates will receive a certificate of completion that is valid for 3 years.

Learning Objectives

  • Define self-harm
  • Describe the link between self-harm, mental health and suicide
  • Explore strategies to support individuals and reduce the need to self-harm
  • State legislation and policies related to self-harm
  • Know support services available

Mental Health Courses

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain what ADHD is
  • Describe the types and causes of ADHD
  • State the characteristics of ADHD
  • Describe treatments for ADHD
  • Explore support strategies for ADHD
  • Complete the knowledge assessment

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain what anxiety disorders are
  • Identify the common signs and symptoms of anxiety
  • Know some of the common types of anxiety disorders
  • Knowledge of phobias and common types of phobia
  • Understand what panic attacks are
  • Understand how anxiety disorders can be managed and treated
  • Appreciate the importance of self-care and list some self-care techniques
  • Understand how to support others dealing with anxiety

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain what bipolar disorder is and the different types
  • State the characteristics and diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • Understand the causes and effects of bipolar disorder
  • Describe treatment and support options for bipolar disorder
  • Explore attitudes towards bipolar disorder

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain ‘mental health’
  • List common mental ill health
  • Identify the impacts of mental ill health
  • Identify ways to support people with mental ill health

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Define ‘mental health’
  • Identify and explain mental health facts and fiction
  • Understand key legislation relating to mental health
  • Identify common signs and symptoms
  • Understand some common mental health disorders
  • Recognise common attitudes towards mental ill-health and the impacts these can have
  • Know how to support people and offer advice

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what OCD is
  • Gain insight on the history and prevalence of OCD
  • Understand what is meant by an obsession and a compulsion
  • Gain insight into what causes OCD
  • Understand the brain and OCD
  • Understand how OCD is assessed and how it can be treated

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Define self harm
  • Describe the link between self harm, mental health and suicide
  • Explore strategies to support individuals and reduce the need to self harm
  • State legislation and policies related to self harm
  • Know support services available

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • To define what suicide is, and understand its prevalence
  • Understand the links between suicide, mental health and other factors
  • Identify links and differences between suicide and self-harm
  • Recognise the risk factors and warning signs for suicide
  • Understand how to offer help and support, including actions to take in an emergency

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Define mental health
  • Identify and explain mental health facts and fiction
  • Understand key legislation relating to mental health
  • Explain how mental health care has evolved over time
  • Identify common signs and symptoms
  • Understand common mental health disorders
  • Explain the concept of parity of esteem
  • Recognise common attitudes towards mental ill-health and the impacts these can have
  • Know how to support people and offer advice

Classroom or webinar training

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the potential effects of stress in the workplace
  • Describe the role of the Manager
  • Identify ways to manage stress in the workplace

Classroom or webinar training
eLearning (Level 2)